
I am a human-centered computing researcher, with strong interdisciplinary expertise in human-computer interaction (HCI), usable privacy & security, Internet of Things (IoT) privacy, health informatics, and responsible artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML). My research aims to build an ideal future where computing technologies can leverage people’s personal data in appropriate, ethical, and meaningful ways.

Specifically, I examine how emerging computing technologies impact people’s personal information (e.g., the Internet of Things, wearable health trackers), from which I identify underlying socio-technical challenges related to people’s personal information (e.g., data privacy transparency, personal privacy management, ethics around ML/AI-enabled systems). Built on my research findings, I also design and develop proof-of-concept systems to address these challenges (e.g., IoTA Assistant app, IoT Portal, Opt-Out Easy).


Find my publications on Google Scholar.